Discover the Artistry of Brigitte Brüggemann Studio
Visit us at 14 Condesa Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508. Explore more of our creations at
Artist Statement
My canvases make reference to places in nature; a forest, a garden, a tree, evoking a keen awareness of cyclical growth and decay, spontaneity and restraint, to make visible the invisible.
With gestural brushwork, drawing into fields of vibrant color, I want to pull the viewer into rich, lush surfaces, dynamic lyrical organic forms. My own movement and marks on the canvas suggest that of a branch moving in the wind, or the river flowing by my house in New Mexico, in joyful celebration of life.
Passages of pure painting, impasto or glazes, offer themselves as touchstones for another reality - glimpses of
"What is behind it All"
Luminous Color, defies traditional definitions of Impressionism or Expressionism. With lyrical eloquence and amorphous symbolism I invoke and reach for visual manifestations of a spiritual reality prompted by intrinsic forces of nature. To paint “light and be light” is my desire and focus.
My process of painting is to go into the depth of my being, respond and manifest what appears to be the truth with color and brushwork. I surrender to what I did not “know” before.
I live in Santa Fe New Mexico since 1990, have consistently exhibited and sold my work in Santa Fe NM, in Houston, Boston, Denver and Europe since 1989.
Brigitte Brűggemann 505 780 5870
Born in Stuttgart, Germany.
1988 MFA University of CO in Boulder.
Studies with Chuck Forseman, Luis Eades, Linda Herritt,
Frank Sampson.
Master class painting with Sam Scott.
1986 BFA with honors University of CO in Boulder.
Teaching Experience
1990 -1995 New Mexico Highlands University. Professor
in Painting, Drawing and Art Appreciation.
1987 - 1990 University of CO in Boulder Instructor in Painting and Drawing.
Teaching seminars in Italy and in New Mexico
Solo Exhibitions and Representation
2024 juried into the Santa Fe Gallery Association's 2024 Artist Catalog.
2023 Eldorado Studio Tour, Sept 23 & 24 studio #57
2023 Poteet Victory Contemporary 124 West Palace str. Santa Fe, NM
2022 Eldorado Studio Tour studio #57
2020 - to present Bruggemann Studio NM, Santa Fe, NM
Saatchi art online:
2017-2019 Winterowd Fine Art Santa Fe, NM
2014 to 2015 Brigitte Brüggemann Studio/Gallery Santa Fe,NM
2013 Sandra Phillips Gallery, Denver, CO
Nikko Gallery, Palm Desert, CA
2011 Mill Fine Art, Santa Fe,NM
2010 Lakind Fine Art, Santa Fe,NM
2009 Waxlander Gallery Santa Fe, NM
2005 Carlisle Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
2000 –2003 Brűggemann Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2002 Jules Place, Boston
Maclaren Markowitz, Boulder, CO.
1998 Sandy Carson Fine Art, Denver, CO.
1996 Khadoure Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
Lutz Galerie Stuttgart, Germany.
1994 Sandy Carson, Denver, CO.
Conlon Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Mill Street Gallery, Aspen, CO
1992 Harris Gallery, Houston, TX
Arnesan Fine Arts, Vail, CO.
Gallery 44, Boulder, CO.
Rule Modern and Contemporary, Denver, CO.
Selected juried Shows
2017 Art Santa Fe 2017
1990 “Colorado State of the Art”
Juried by Lucy Leppard, Bruce Guenther, Richard Koshalek,.
Traveling to: Colorado Springs, Denver, Arvada Center for the
Arts and Aspen Art Museum.
“New Names New Works” Santa Fe East, Santa Fe, NM.
Juried by Ruth Meyer of Taft Museum and Marjorie Talalay of the
Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art.
International Representation in the past
Atelierhaus Pichler, Augsburg, Germany.
Galerie Winkler, Hamburg, Germany
Kunsthaus Schaller, Stuttgart, Germany.
Ryoko Suzuki, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Art2Life workshop in Sayulita, Mexico
2018 ChaShaMa/North New York State Residency
2014 Bagni di Lucca, Tuscany Italy Paintings and Poetry
Corporate and Museum Collections Private Collections:
Museum of Art Albuquerque permanent collection
The Hallmark Collection
U.S. West, Denver, CO.
Texaco Collection
The Larson Healing Institute.
Career Tracks, Boulder, CO.
CBS Headquarters, Dallas, TX.
American Management, Houston TX.
American Management, Denver, CO.
selected private collections:
Claire Farago Professor of Art History
University of Colorado Boulder
Luis Eades Prof. Emeritus
University of Colorado Boulder
Sheryl Lee, Beverly Hills, CA.
Primavera Health Spa, Japan.
Inasawa Mental Health Clinic, Japan
The Larson Healing Institute.
Dawn Upshaw, renowned American Soprano
Diane and Ken Williamson Iowa City Iowa
Fleur Just, Bagni di Lucca, Tuscany Italy
and many other collectors in the US, Germany,
Italy, Switzerland, Monaco, Japan, Puerto Rico,
The Art of Brigitte Brüggemann
Douglas A. Fairfield Phd ©
Santa Fe, New Mexico
former curator of the Museum of Art Albuquerque
Brigitte Brüggemann creates art from one place: Nature. That is her wellspring. Her landscapes in oil, watercolor, and pastel are not traditional however. They are visual manifestations of a spiritual reality prompted by intrinsic forces in Nature and life.
Her creative process begins with intimate communions with Nature where, according to the artist, “the inner landscape mirrors the outer landscape.” unquote
Review Quotes of Brigitte Bruggemann's work in exhibition
Southwest Art, Wolf Schneider:
….” The way abstract landscape painter Brigitte BrÏ‹ggemann sees her garden-inspired
canvases that brim with an infusion of flowers, plants, and light offer a meditative quality
in their creation…..
Crosswinds Weekly Lisa Polisar
“Learning to fly” …..with a painting style that defies traditional definitions of
expressionism and impressionism, Brϋggemann reproduces nature with a lyrical
eloquence and amorphous symbolism of images from the magic garden of her
childhood- acorns freshly fallen from an ancient oak, a single leaf floating in a sunstroked pond, the reflection of swaying branches on still water. Her signature, gently
abstraction, carried out with potent hues and an Asian treatment of line and form.
Simultaneously infuses control, intuition and spontaneity. The end result is that in these
paintings she is able to capture the intrinsic qualities of the natural world – beauty, loss,
beginnings and endings, ….The garden paintings …. Are more subtle, created in gentle
shades of pinks and yellows, showing not only her love affair with color but the
impressionist principle of light upon variable surfaces. Amid this artistry of blurred lines
and careful curves, there are no fixed, ultimate thoughts here – only wonder,
implications and speculation – ins flowing into outs and a back-and-forth between the
two. …
Santa Fe Reporter Zane Fischer:
Brigitte BrÏ‹ggemann’s paintings may ostensibly focus on flowers, but they are, to the
last of them, masterpieces of color, line and shifting ideas,,,,,,
New Mexican Craig Smith
BrÏ‹ggemann’s oils …. Her subjects tend to be abstract interpretations of outdoor vistas,
or believable landscapes of the imagination – the kinds of places you might be able to
turn around and walk into, if you could find that place east of the sun and west of the
Jo Ann Garcia Orellana (Gallery Hop)
… Inspired by nature, her lyrical organic abstractions are a joyful celebration of living,
BrÏ‹ggemann uses the garden as metaphor for life…. Her colors are vibrant, especially
her choice of reds, and her work definitely reflects the beauty of the human soul…..